Drama Therapy
Child Therapy
$100* - 50min
Current client offerings:
For children (preK-6th grade) who may be struggling to cope with big feelings, anxiety/depression, trauma, worries, transitional challenges, post COVID-19 anxiety as well as other stressors.
Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn more. Financial assistance available on a case-by-case basis*
All sessions will be held at Golden Door STL: 8920 Manchester Rd, Brentwood, MO 63144
For booking, please 8Book with Erica Lee via Golden Door STL
Group Workshops:
Stay tuned for updates!
Virtual Teen & Family Therapy Program:
ROCKS - Rehearsal for Openness, Connection, Kindness and Support.
This program is offered to 9-17 year olds and their guardians virtually and in-person.
To inquire or book a consultation, please email Erica directly at edl.dramatherapy@gmail.con. Thanks!